The Internet has an amazing amount of resources for gamers. We’ve collected a list of some sites that we like.

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BoardGameGeek is an online resource and community for folks who love games (all kinds of tabletop games, not just board games). The site is updated on a real-time basis by its community of users. There are reviews, ratings, images, play-aids, translations, and game session reports, and discussion forums. There are also opportunities to trade and buy games. It can be overwhelming, but they put together a guide.

Organized like a blog, “The Dice Tower is dedicated to getting folks to learn about the wide world of exciting new board games.” There are video reviews, an audio show, “top” game lists for different categories, and awards.

Kickstarter has a lot of cool things, but they curate the games projects here. You can also sign up for their games newsletter and catch up with their team as they interview creators on their podcast.

“Join Stu Horvath (Vintage RPG, Unwinnable) and John McGuire (Mai-Tai Happy Hour, Ham-Fisted Productions) as they delve into their favorite tabletop roleplaying games from the past, present and future!”

Podcasts about Dungeons & Dragons from the makers of D&D. Still the most popular and influential roleplaying game in the universe.

As Mike Shea describes it, “Building the Better Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master,” this blog has articles, videos, tools, and links to books for better running and managing D&D. He recommends that you start here.

Geek Dad and Geek Mom (along with Geek Kid) are part of the Geek Family Network. (That is a lot of geekness.) Geek Dad came first (2007) and Geek Mom followed (2010) as parenting, technology, and culture blogs. Check them out and see whether either of them fits you.

A web-to-print game publishing company that offers a print on demand game publishing service. Game designers can make a board game, card game, and custom playing cards through the website. For the entrepreneurial minded, if you have some kids with a great game idea (or you are a kid at heart) and want to shift from being a game consumer to a game creator, this might be something to check out. 

They have a website, but all of the content is available through their YouTube channel. Quality videos highlighting board games, previews, Kickstarters, reviews, discussions, events, and more. Want an easy to understand explanation of a game? Consider looking to see if they have covered it.

These resources are links to other places on the Internet. They are unaffiliated with Gainsage and are not part of this website. We like what we have seen and think helpful materials are there, but we have not seen everything on these sites and cannot keep up to date with everything that might be on them. If you have thoughts about these or other resources, let us know. We have no input on these unrelated sites, but we’ll be adjusting this list to be as useful as possible.

Any trademarks referred to in these resources are those of their respective owners.

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